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Local business selling to students?

Students drive the local economy. Become the preferred spot to hangout – boost your visibility and reach them where they are.

App screenshot

How It Works

Just extremely easy to implement and use.

App screenshot

Top Perks for Local Businesses

Guaranteed views every month

Depending on the package you choose, we guarantee a certain number of impressions.

Reach only verified students

We verify that the students who get discounts are real students with a valid student ID.

Boosting the local economy

We help local businesses grow by integrating them with the daily lives of students in the area.

Fair pricing for every local business

Affordable plans that’s packed with the best features for engaging your audience, creating customer loyalty, and driving sales.

MonthlyAnnually (20% off)


Visibility for all students in your city in the public list. Approved businesses only.


  • Visibility on the public list
  • Listed in the specific category
  • One fixed discount on all opening hours
  • Admin panel with analytics
  • Ideal for individual stores (e.g., barber, coffee shop, ice cream parlor, etc.)


Most popular

Set different discounts at different times and enjoy a top spot on the list once a month.

235 kr./month

  • Everything in Hyperlocal
  • Inreased visibility on the public list
  • Showcase products, services or menu
  • Set different discounts at different hours
  • Top spot in the niche for 1 week /month
  • Perfect for chains and franchises

All the way

Maximum visibility and flexibility with multiple offers, special discounts, and sticky top ad.

789 kr./month

  • Everything in Local+
  • Multiple offers (e.g., 2-for-1, special discounts on specific days)
  • Always listed as the top choice
  • Ad always placed on the top in public list
  • Dedicated account manager
  • Feature as 'deal of the month' once a year (month of your choice)

The students are

Too important to leave behind

That is why we have created a marketplace for students to find deals from local businesses
and help businesses get maximum exposure.

More units sold

Yes, at first you might have a lower margin, but over time selling more will lead to lower variable cost, and therefore increased margins overall.


Increased brand loyalty

The students already use Happenings to find deals, stay up-to-date and keep in touch with their friends and personal communities.



This young generation are born with phones, so having them in your shop, where they have a good time, will lead to increased publicity by them sharing photos, videos, etc. on their social media.
